Sunday 10 May 2009

The Seven Deadly Marketing Sins

Marketing today isn't rocket science, never was. It isn't getting harder or more difficult, but it is changing, always will. The world has changed, attention spans are shorter, digital media has shifted power from advertising executives to consumers.

Incredibly most companies still get stuck on following the old rules. Major corporations are failing to acknowledge the consumer revolution and continue to rely on old hierarchal business models.

Here are some simple things to avoid...

1. Safe & Boring

Why would somebody want your product or service? Consumers have literally millions of brands, products, and services available to them. Things like the internet and home delivery services means people have never had some much choice, so why would they choose you.

You need a point of difference - does your offering stand out?

If your product is the same as everything else, just with a different brand or package, it is probably not doing much to get people's attention. I'm sure its been nice but you wont be around much longer.

Build something interesting and unique. DO IT NOW!

2. Complacency

Get going on the next big or little thing.

You have an interesting product? Sales are great, margins are high. That's great but look out!Consumers get bored, they look for new things, and if you are doing well I guarantee you someone is about to copy you and take some of that lovely margin.

Get going on the next innovation. DO IT NOW!

The next innovation may be something as simple and easy to do as increasing customer loyalty. Have you rewarded your clients, told them how much you appreciate their support.. Why not?

The i-phone was pretty cool, for a while. Now its camera is inferior, at doesn't have GPS, the screen resolution is half of other touch screen phones, it has frustrated consumers with its distribution model. Apple needs to get innovating, and quick. I am sure they are no doubt hard at work.

Nokia have far exeeded the i-phone with their lastest gadget the Nokia N97 pictured here.
By the way rocket science isn't hard for the people who do it. These guys just decided to take action and stick with it.

3. Green Washing

Green washing is the new marketing sin.

For decades consumers were relatively ignorant of how stuff is made and where it comes from. Guess what, they aren't so stupid any more.
Consumers now look for stories, true stories, about the full lifecycle of a product. People want to buy things that allow them a clean conscience, not only about the environment but also about the social impact of what they are doing.

Think you can use child labour in Asia and the BBC wont tell everyone?
Think you can use harmful chemicals and high amounts of energy and not get found out?

Not only people but also governments are demanding truth and integrity about the impact of everything.

Be honest about what you do, people like that and they reward it.

4. Procrastination

Hurry up!

I think I've touched on this already.. DO IT NOW

The competition is catching up. The market is not waiting for you.What might be a great idea wont do you any good unless you implement it.

Many people look at modern art and comment "My five year old could have that." But they fail to recognise that they didn't. All of us have it in us to be great at whatever we chose, the difference is some of us get on and do it.

Most success comes from action, well thought out, customer focused action. But action non-the less, it speaks louder than words after all.

5. Advertising

Stop advertising and start innovating!

Heard of Woolworths? - so what? Great brand awareness didn't save them. They spent thousands on a last ditch attempt at advertising a network of shops in the UK that everybody already knew about.They are not alone; many executives panic and follow the old rules of promotion. Often it's advertising on a pig.

Don't fix the promotion until you have fixed the pig!
If your product is truly innovative, fresh and lovely, people will find it.Start a blog, start a squidoo lens, get the word out to the right people but don't advertise to people if they already know you, or they are not in your target audience.

Stop advertsing and start innovating. DO IT NOW!

6. Identity Crisis

Who are you anyway?

Figure out what your about and focus on core business.Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi is telling his customers..


Do what you are good at, do it better and then improve it some more. Stop doing the other stuff. Not only is it distracting and time consuming it confuses the heck out of the people you do business with, it frustrates them and they might just go somewhere else, To somebody with a strong identity.

In the dip this is critical. In the current dip we are going to see a lot of victims, and if you look at the 1st victims, it is quite obvious that they didn't focus on core.

Figure out who you are and where you want to be. Get rid of the other junk.

7. Lying.

Honesty is the only policy.

This might seem obvious but it still happens. You don't deserve the trust of your customers or their respect. You have to earn a reputation.

You cannot build brand or product loyalty without transparency. Just like with Green-washing you will get caught if you don't have integrity.
If you make false claims or put lipstick on your pig. Guess what, I'm telling, and so is everyone else. Get your story straight. If you can't, if there are too many issues, start again.
It's time for something fresh and innovative any way!Always remember rule 4Do not procrastinate.

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